Hopi Opportunity Youth Initiative
At this time, the Hopi Opportunity Youth Initiative will be entering a short dormancy period in which we will take some time to assess and reflect on our journey and what we have learned from our partnerships.
We will spend part of this year to prepare an impact report that can help to inform our leadership and our community in how we move forward in supporting youth informed programming in the future.
"To improve the cultural, career, and educational attainment of all Hopi and Tewa Youth"
About HOYI
Established in 2013, as a project of The Hopi Foundation, the Hopi Opportunity Youth Initiative (HOYI) focuses on our community’s most at-risk youth between the ages of 14 to 26 who are not actively engaged in school or in the workforce. The goal of the Initiative is to bring together community members and organizations that will promote positive change and explore opportunities to help strengthen support for Hopi/Tewa youth. The Initiative goals are to Build a safe and supportive platform for Youth to share their stories and include their insight and voice in the process of exploring new pathways and expanding existing programs for their success, and to develop a shared vision and path for community to build a common understanding of the needs of our youth today and work together to develop supportive partnerships, programs and resources.
HOYI Goals
Collaborating for Impact
HOYI's primary goal is to formally establish a community-wide collaboration that will develop a common Hopi Vision of how disengaged youth can gain the vocational or professional skills needed to contribute to our community and identify steps we can take to continue to build a local economy which will serve both our youth and Hopi cultural values.
Use Data to Guide Decision-Making
The Initiative will help to launch the development of tools and methodology needed to regularly gather necessary data, including detailed risk behavior data and culturally relevant information about Hopi Opportunity Youth over the next 6-12 years.
Build Effective Programs and Pathways
The Initiative will also help to establish collaborator Task Teams and Youth to facilitate the community conversations needed to identify candidate strategies (or pathways) for intervening and re-engaging Hopi Opportunity Youth so that they can become contributing members of Hopi Society.
Developing Supportive Policies
The long-term vision of the Initiative is to help leverage community voice to impact or develop policy needed to positively support community engagement in youth education and the workforce.

The Collaborator meetings were launched in May 2013 to gauge the interest in the HOYI concept. Since then, we've hosted 1-1 meetings with key services including the Department of Education and its programs, The Hopi High School, Hopi Guidance Center Services, two key Village Youth Programs and our Tribal Elected Officials and their staff.
Collaborator Meetings

The Youth Listening Sessions were launched in July 2013 to gather insight and help raise voice for Hopi and Tewa Youth. Since July The HOYI Team and Staff have hosted 2 other community-wide listening sessions and will begin to target focus groups that tribal programs and services are working with.
Youth Listening Sessions

Youth Advisory Board (YAB)
The YAB members will serve in an advisory capacity by quarterly meetings. Some meetings may be added on or "as needed" due to work and projects HOYI is a part of. HOYI YAB members must represent the program in an utmost professional and ethical manner to ensure good standing in our community.
The YAB should reasonably reflect the diverse nees and interests of the community. Desired qualities of members include practicing open mindedness, supporting the mission of The Hopi Foundation, the Hopi Opportunity Youth Initiative, and willingness to support in a variety of roles during term.
For more information, please see the following:
Youth Advisory Board (YAB)
Hopi Opportunity Youth Initiative
Office Hours: M-F, 8am - 5pm
PO Box 301, Kykotsmovi, AZ 86039
Phone: (928) 734-2380, Fax: (928) 734-0305
Located at the Hopi Foundation Office - 110 Main Street
Kykotsmovi, AZ
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